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  • Following the completion of the West-East tramway line, Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur initiated a large-scale project for the order of art pieces. A series of pieces created by internationally renowned artists adorn the tramway route and draw the urban landscape of Nice Côte d’Azur into the 21st century. Agent M was commissioned to oversee the creation of 3 monumental sculptures.

    Éloge du déplacement, Philippe Ramette, 2018

    A ‘graphic, light, and undulating artistic creation’ the sculpture meanders 81 metres along the boulevard Paul Montel. The flowing lines are a reference to the tram rails both figuratively and literally. The author Philippe Ramette sees them as a mental path and suggests the existence of complementary and alternative routes. In addition to the transformation of a sketch into a full-scale monumental sculpture, the two challenges for this project consisted in finding the optimal proportions, considering the length of the sculpture and the transcription of the notion of movement on  this scale.

    Métamorphose, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, 2018

    ‘Métamorphose’ by artist Jean-Pierre Raynaud consists of two monumental flowerpots set on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Its implementation required great logistical precision, especially for the bases, which are essential to the sculpture and had to be perfectly cubical in shape. The fact that the monumental flowerpots are displayed in a public space added further requirements in terms of the choice of materials.

    • Client

      Métropole Nice Côté d'Azur

    • Location


    • Year
