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  • 92 Champs-Élysées

    Development of the entrance hall and mezzanine

    Agent M was commissioned to work on the connection between the entrance hall of the luxury office building situated on the Champs-Élysées and the reception area on the first floor. The idea was to confer a distinctive identity to the space so as to stand out from the surrounding shops on the avenue. We designed an arch within an arch, a shell which shape evokes hospitality and reception and accompanies the visitor’s flow. More than an entrance hall, it is a sculptural monochrome piece. In collaboration with a master plasterer and in partnership with the Vieujot quarry, Agent M designed a specific and unique mineral material (mix of plaster, mineral materials, and lime) which hardness is close to that of marble. Projected in several layers onto a wire-mesh structure, the material was sanded down to obtain a result that required no finishing paint. The result is both high-standard and sustainable. Significant efforts were also put into the lighting fixtures: radiating and emergent, immaterial, and invisible, the light sources are concealed, and the only limitations are the architectural edges. A third innovative aspect of the project concerned the self-supporting magistral stairway which asymmetrical design makes it easy to climb effortlessly.

    • Client

      SFL - Société Foncière Lyonnaise

    • Location

      92, avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris 8th arrondissement

    • Year
